Free Notocactus Scopa Plants

acalypha hispida plant
The attraction of the Notocactus lies not just in its very pretty flowers, but also in the fine spines, which give an appealing ‘glow’ to the plant, which means that even when it is not in flower it still looks very attractive. The Notocactus is therefore a worthy addition to any collection of cacti and succulents. There are several varieties in different colours. Most specimens produce large, bold flowers that may last up to a week before fading, providing a highly colourful display. As with many cacti, it is essential to provide the plant with a winter rest, ensuring that it is kept both on the dry side (but not allowed to dehydrate and shrivel) and cool, at about 10°C (50°F). After removing offsets for propagation, wait a few days until a hardened callus has formed at the site ofthe wound. They are then ready to pot.

Plant type : Flowering cactus with cylindrical habit
Season of interest : Summer
Size : 7.5-15cm (3—6in)
Flower : Rayed, 5cm (2in) wide, bright yellow, produced in summer
Leaf : Globular then cylindrical green stem with fine white and red-brown spines
Temperature : 10-28°C (50—82°F)
Aspect/Light : Full sun
Humidity : Low
Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry a little before re-watering; water enough to prevent dehydration in autumn and winter
Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with half strength flowering plant fertilizer in spring and summer
Propagation : Remove offsets in late spring or summer, allowing cut surface to dry for a couple of days to produce a callus, then pot in cactus and succulent compost at 20-22°C (68-72°F)
Potting : Cactus and succulent compost
Problems : Mealy bug, root mealy bug
Availability : Occasionally available spring and summer
Uses indoors : Good windowsill or conservatory plant
Other varieties : N. haselbergii- white spines; small, red flowers, N. leninghausii-golden-yellow spines; large, yellow flowers