Free Pachypodium Saundersii Plants

acalypha hispida plant
The Pachypodium is rather grotesque in appearance, with a swollen stem armed with fiercesome spines. Although the plant will flower, it does so only occasionally, when conditions are right. In addition to the white-flowered variety, there are also yellow, orange and red forms. After flowering, the plant produces fruit with seeds that have a parachute device to aid their dispersal by the wind. The seeds can be removed once the fruits are ripe, and germinated in the spring. The leaves produced at the top of the stem are deciduous, being shed just before the rest period, when the plant should be kept on the dry side. The Pachypodium is susceptible to leafspot and any leaves that become infected should be removed immediately.

Plant type : Ornamental succulent with erect habit
Season of interest : All year round
Size : 15-30cm (6 —12in)
Flower : White, occasionally produced, in summer
Leaf : Elongated oval, 5-10cm (2—4in), green, on thick, cylindrical stem with fierce spines
Temperature : 13-28°C (55-82°F)
Aspect/Light : Full sun
Humidity : Low
Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry somewhat before re-watering; water only enough to prevent dehydration in autumn and winter
Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with half strength flowering plant fertilizer in spring and summer
Propagation : Sow seeds in cactus and succulent compost at 20-22°C (68 — 72°F) in spring
Potting : Cactus and succulent compost
Problems : Mealy bug, leaf spot
Availability : Occasionally available
Uses indoors : Windowsill or conservatory plant, well away from people, especially children