Free Cissus Antarctica PlantsA versatile foliage plant with a climbing habit, although loose stems can sometimes trail from the pot as well. The Cissus requires some means of support in the form of a cane or several canes, or some other type of frame, to maintain a balanced appearance. Trimming with sharp scissors or secateurs will help to keep the plant in check, otherwise the foliage can become rather straggly. When positioning the Cissus, great care must be taken to ensure that it is provided with the correct amount of light. Too much light will cause the foliage to become rather hard and yellow; too little will result in foliage that is weak and etiolated. Place it near a window but not in the path of direct sunlight.Plant type : Foliage climbing plant Season of interest : All year round Size : 100-200cm (39—78in) high, 30-60cm (12—24in) wide Flower : None Leaf : Roughly heart-shaped, 7.5-10cm (3-4in) long, serrated, green Temperature : 15-20°C (59 — 68°F) Aspect/Light : Moderate, but dislikes direct sunlight Humidity : Moderate Watering : Evenly but barely moisten compost throughout year, allowing to get on the dry side before re-watering Feeding : Once every two to four weeks with houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant tip cuttings, 7.5-12.5cm (3—5in) in early spring to early summer in seed and cutting compost at 18-20°C (65—68°F) Potting : Houseplant potting compost Problems : Red spider mite, mealy bug, root mealy bug, root loss if over-watered Availability : Widely available throughout year Uses indoors : Can be used in almost any room on table; larger specimens can stand on floor; useful specimen plant in office Other varieties : C. discolor- green, silver and red foliage |