Free Cissus Rhombifolia PlantsThis Cissus is particularly good for filling a space in a corner where a column of foliage is required. With its rich green leaves, the plant can provide an excellent background or foil for the display of other plants, and can also be displayed in its own right. It is quite adaptable and can tolerate a range of conditions in the home or office. However, a too brightly lit position can turn the rich green leaves a sickly yellowish green as the plant compensates for the excessive light by producing less chlorophyll. To gain the best from the plant, position it in a moderately lit or even slightly shaded position. However, avoid too much shade as the growth will become thin and etiolated. This plant was formerly known as Rhoicissus rhomboidea.Plant type : Foliage plant with climbing and semi-trailing habit Season of interest : All year round Size : 100-200cm (39—78in) high, 30-60cm (12—24in) wide Flower : None Leaf : Made up of 3 leaflets with serrated edges, 5-6cm (2-2jin), dark green Temperature : 15-20°C (59—68°F) Aspect/Light : Moderate light, away from direct sun Humidity : moderate Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, taking care not to over-water and allowing to dry a little before re-watering; keep on drier side in autumn and winter Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant 7.5-12.5cm (3—5in) tip cuttings in seed and cutting compost at 18-20°C (65-68°F) from early spring to early summer Potting : Houseplant potting compost Problems : Mealy bug, yellowing with too much sun Availability : Commonly available throughout year Uses indoors : Useful in mixed planting or on table-top or floor in most rooms Other varieties : C. r. 'Ellen Danica' -larger, rounder leaves with deeper serrations |