Free Euphorbia milii splendens PlantsAs its common name suggests, the Crown of Thorns should be treated with great care. Apart from the fierce thorns, which can cause a nasty injury, the milky white sap is poisonous and all contact with it should be avoided. When taking tip cuttings, strong gardening gloves should be used to prevent injury and to protect against the sap, which will freely ooze from the cut stem. To help stop the flow of sap, ground charcoal may be sprinkled on to the wound before the cutting is dibbed into the compost. This may help to improve the success of propagation, as plant material that loses too much sap will not produce roots easily.Unlike many other succulents, the Euphorbia can become dehydrated if it is allowed to dry out. Plant type : Flowering succulent with upright habit Season of interest : Spring and summer Size : 30-90cm (12—36in) Flower : Insignificant, with paired red bracts, 0.5-1cm (.25—.5inch), produced spring/summer Leaf : Oval, sometimes spade-shaped, 2.5-5cm (1 —2in), mid-green Temperature : 13-28°C (55—82°F) Aspect/Light : Full sun Humidity : Moderate Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry somewhat before re-watering; keep on the dry side in autumn and winter, but avoid drying out Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with flowering plant fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant 7.5-10cm (3—4in) tip cuttings in cactus and succulent compost at 21 °C (70°F) in mid spring to early summer, take extreme care and wear protective gloves Potting : Cactus and succulent compost Problems : Can rot off if kept too wet Availability : Quite commonly available in the spring and early summer Uses indoors : Windowsill well away from where it could be a hazard; probably better for higher window in lounge or bedroom |