Free Gardenia Jasminoides PlantsThe rich, almost heady fragrance of the Gardenia must be one of the most distinctive perfumes in the world. The plant prefers to grow in an acid compost and should ideally be watered with rain water to avoid the problems caused by the calcium in tap water. The Gardenia can also suffer from chlorosis, a yellowing of the leaves caused by an iron deficiency. This can usually be corrected by watering with a solution of sequestrated iron (iron sequestrene), which will turn the leaves back to a healthy, deep green colour. To prevent the plant becoming leggy and untidy, it should be pruned lightly in early spring. Alternatively, a more drastic prune, by up to a half or even two thirds, may encourage the plant to grow back more in balance.Plant type : Flowering plant with bushy habit Season of interest : Summer Size : 15-45cm (6—18in) Flower : 5-7.5cm (2—3in) double, white, with rich, heavy fragrance Leaf : Oval, 5cm (2in) long, glossy, dark green Temperature : 18-21°C (64-7CTF) Aspect/Light : Well-lit situation with shade from direct sun Humidity : High Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry a little before re-watering; keep on drier side in autumn and winter Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with flowering plant fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant 7.5-10cm (3—4in) tip cuttings in seed and cutting compost at 15-20°C (60-68°F) from mid to late spring or early autumn Potting : Ericaceous compost Problems : Aphid, mealy bug, scale insect, red spider mite, chlorosis Availability : Often available in spring and summer Uses indoors : Table-top plant close to window in lounge, dining room, or other rooms that are warm and humid enough |