Free Hedera Canariensis 'Variegata' Plants

acalypha hispida plant
This boldly variegated and large-leaved ivy can be used effectively in a very wide range of situations, although it does not like hot, dry conditions. Apart from dehydration due to a dry atmosphere, it is particularly susceptible to attack by red spider mite, a pest that thrives under such conditions. The plant is best grown in a room with a moderate temperature and full light, and is ideal for a porch. It can also grow quite well outside, although it does not like a very exposed situation. Although the plant is occasionally grown in a mixed arrangement, it is best planted either on its own or with two or three plants ofthe same variety to create a more dense effect. Wire ties or rings and a bamboo cane should be used to provide support, and the plant should be trimmed occasionally with vine scissors to keep it tidy.

Plant type : Foliage plant with vigorous climbing and trailing habit
Season of interest : All year round
Size : 100-200cm (39—78in)
Flower : None
Leaf : Unevenly shaped, cupped, 7.5-10cm (3—4in), boldly variegated cream, white and green with red leaf stems
Temperature : 7-18°C (45 — 65°F)
Aspect/Light : Full light
Humidity : Moderate
Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry out a little between waterings; keep on drier side in autumn and winter
Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer
Propagation : Plant 10-12.5cm (4—5in) tip or stem cuttings in seed and cutting or potting compost at 18-20°C (65-68°F) from mid spring to late summer
Potting : Houseplant potting compost
Problems : Red spider mite, aphid, mealy bug, root mealy bug
Availability : Commonly available throughout year
Uses indoors : Can be used in mixed plantings when small, then as specimen plant when larger; best in cool, light room, such as well-ventilated porch or office foyer