Free Laurus Nobilis PlantsThe elegant Laurus should really be grown alternately indoors and outdoors as the season dictates. During spring and summer the plant will grow quite happily outside, and is particularly good as a specimen plant in a container on a patio or gracing the front of a house. In autumn and winter it prefers a cool to moderately heated indoor situation in full light. Although it can be grown indoors in the spring and summer, the growth can tend to become soft and etiolated. The Laurus is an excellent subject for trimming and training, the most usual shapes being the standard and pyramidal forms. Shaped plants look particularly effective when displayed in matched pairs. Remember, also, that bay leaves can be used in cooking.Plant type : Compact foliage shrub with standard or erect habit Season of interest : All year round Size : 100-200cm (39—78in) Flower : Insignificant, pale greenish, produced in spring Leaf : Oval, pointed, 5-6cm (2-2£in) long, 2-2.5 (f—1 in) wide, tough, green, with pungent smell, especially when crushed Temperature : 10-20°C (50-68T) Aspect/Light : Moderate to full light Humidity : Moderate Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer; keep on drier side when dormant in autumn and winter Feeding : Once a month with houseplanf fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant 10cm (4in) tip cuttings with bottom leaves removed in seed and cutting compost at 18-20°C (65-68°F) from mid spring to early autumn Potting : Houseplant potting compost Problems : Scale insect Availability : Commonly available as indoor or garden plant throughout year Uses indoors : Excellent plant for cool, well-lit room or porch or by entrance to office foyer; useful as outdoor plant for patio and garden |