Free Mandevilla Sanderi PlantsA very prettily flowered plant that at first looks more like a compact shrub than a climbing plant. It can in fact grow quite vigorously and will require a framework for support, or just a bamboo cane to climb up. To get the most from the Mandevilla it must be provided with a high level of humidity. The pink, trumpet-shaped flowers are first produced when the plant is still quite small, sometimes when it is only a few centimetres (an inch or so) above the rim of the pot. The flowers are produced on the previous year’s growth. As well as training the plant on to a frame, it may be worth lightly trimming or pruning the foliage at the top in spring to promote more compact side growth, which will produce flowers the following year. This plant is also known by the latin name Dipladenia sanderi. Plant type : Flowering plant with climbing habit Season of interest : Summer Size : 100-250cm (39—98in) Flower : Five petals forming trumpet, 5-7.5cm (2—3in) across, pink Leaf : Pointed oval, 5cm (2in), green, glossy Temperature : 16-21°C (61 -70°F) Aspect/Light : Well-lit situation with some light shade from direct sunlight Humidity : High Watering : Just moisten compost in spring and summer, allowing to dry a little before re-watering; water just enough to prevent drying out in autumn and winter Feeding : Once every two to three weeks with flowering plant fertilizer in spring and summer Propagation : Plant 7.5cm (3in) tip cuttings in seed and cutting compost at 27°C (80°F) in spring Potting : Houseplant potting compost Problems : Aphid, red spider mite Availability : Occasionally available, usually as small, erect, bushy specimen Uses indoors : Next to patio window with some shade; as floor-standing specimen in lounge; as table-top feature plant when small |