Free Peace Lily Plants

Although named peace lily, you need to know that this plant is not a true lily nor does it fall among the sub species of lily. It falls in the Philodendrom family. The scientific name for a peace lily is Spathiphyllum. It falls among the most popular indoor plants and is chosen by most of the plant lovers. This easy growing and easy to take care of plant is very common in tropical and sub-tropical climatic zones. You will find this plant in Asia, South America, North America, some parts of Europe etc. This plant can grow as tall as 1 to 4 feet tall. More than growing tall in height, this plant will spread in width.

Leaves : The leaf of peace lily is just a beautiful peace that comes in dark green. This leaf help beautify the plant and the green foliage is a really good combination with the bloom that comes in white.

As you deal with peace lily, there will come time where you will see the tip of this plant turning brown at the tip. Don’t worry but stay cautious. This plant is facing this problem either because you are over watering or that this plant is left to grow in a dry soil for a long time. During such a time, you will need to reflect on the way you are irrigating this plant. If changes are needed, you will need to work towards that too.

Bloom : Peace lily gives rise to beautiful and unique shaped white bloom. This plant is unique where you will see the flower growing from a stalk. Each stalk will give rise to only one bloom at a time. It is this white bloom that adds extra attraction this plant along with its dark green leaves. Once in full bloom, the plant will appear graceful, elegant and just a beautiful and unique piece of growth. As the bloom gets older, it will start to turn green from white.

Care : Peace lily is not just a beautiful piece of flower but it is easy to take care of this plant on a daily basis. This plant is not fussy does not mean that this plant has less need. It is important that you pay attention to the provision of good soil, light, fertilizer, water and temperature. Keeping in mind these basic needs of this plant and doing the necessary work is enough a good care.

Water : Water is one of prime need of peace lily but over watering will never be helpful. It will be a plantation mistake if you over water your plant. This plant will thrive better when it is less watered. Thus, if you are confused about when to water this plant, the best step to take will be checking the soil. If the soil is dry, you should water else just let it grow on its own. Also know that your peace lily is drought tolerant. It will be alright to have a plant at home even if you forget to water your plant. You will notice the leaves drooping, this is the sign signaling you to water you peace lily.

As the leaves starts to droop down, it is a sign that this plant is in need of water. As you water, make sure to let the water reach the roots of the plant. You will not need to water until the top soil is dry. Also, the plant will need more water during the summer months compared to the winter months.

Fertilizer : Fertilizing a peace lily is not a big deal at all—this plant does not need frequent fertilizing. All you will need to do is to provide this plant with water soluble fertilizer at least two times in a year. Salt content in the water or fertilizer can lead to browning of tip in a leaf.

Light: Proper lighting is one of the pre-requisites for any kind of plants. When it comes to light for a peace lily, this plant prefers to grow in a location where it can receive indirect light or low light. It will dry away or turn pale, droopy and weak when left to grow in an excess light. This plant can survive between 18-26 C temperatures.

Humidity: Peace lily is a tropical as well as a sub-tropical plant, which basically means this plant would prefer to grow in a warm and humid environment. In order to maintain humidity in a peace lily, you are encouraged to place some pebbles with water in a saucer under the pot. This will help maintain humidity in the plant and at the same time making the plant grow healthily and freshly.

Growing :

Growing peace lily in an aquarium or container : It is possible to grow peace lily inside a fish aquarium or any container. You will need to add some fresh normal water and let the plant grow on its own. Make sure you change the water whenever it turns dark. Also keep this plant in a location where it can receive indirect light.

Repotting : You will notice your peace lily growing quickly because this is an easy growing plant. You will definitely choose to repot this plant when you find it over growing or outgrowing. It will appear unruly and you will definitely want to go for repotting this plant. As you repot, make sure that the pot you choose is at least two inches bigger than the old pot.

These foliages will need to be wiped with damp cloth once in a year time because you will want to allow the leaves to breathe well and appear fresh. A quick leaf shower or even misting should serve good.

Pruning : Peace lily is a fast growing plant and you can expect the leaves and flower fading away or turning brown after getting matured. You would not like warn out leaves disturbing the new growths. Thus, you will choose to approach the path of pruning where you will cut away the old leaves and flower using a sharp sterilized scissors. Applying the method of pruning will encourage new growth of fresh leaves and flower. It will make the plant look neat and fresh.

Disease : Peace lily is a tough tropical plant. Besides being a tough plant, this plant gets attacked by pests and diseases. You will notice some butter colored spiders feeding and making home in the flower. The plant is attacked by mites, spiders and few other insects. The plant will catch diseases if right kind of light, humidity, fertilizer and water are not maintained.

Uses : Choosing to grow peace lily at home is always advantageous and is always a good choice. This plant can easily beautify your surrounding environment and can add brightness to the space. This plant acts as a good air purifier and is popular among the indoor plants.

People often use this plant as a gift because it is just a perfect gift, you will love it wherever you go and whenever you receive it as a gift. It is easy to grow and take care of.

This plant has high air purifying ability. It can absorb air borne pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

The other use of this plant is that it can help remove oil, rubber, dye, ink, gasoline, synthetic fiber etc.