Free Peperomia Plants

Peperomia falls in the piperaceae family. This group of plant has more than 1000 species. Thus, you will see this plant in almost every parts of the world especially in South America, Central America, Africa and in Asian countries. Peperomia is a tropical as well as sub tropical plant. Thus, you will get to enjoy this variety in quite a number of countries.

Peperomia is a wonderful plant and is famous among the indoor plants. This plant has been the favorite to most of the gardeners as well as to other plant lovers particularly because it can adapt well to the existing surrounding environment. It is a slow growing plant. If you plant peperomia, you will notice that most of the species of this plant can grow up to 10 to 12 inches in height.

Some of the common species of peperomia are peperomia caperata, peperomia fosteri, peperomia cubensis, peperomia glabella, peperomia glabella, peperomia prostrata etc.

Foliage : When it comes to peperomia, the major attraction of this plant falls in its leaves. It gives rise lush green and unique leaves. These leaves are succulent. Since there are different species of peperomia, you will be surprised by the unique leaves that this plant can give rise to. These leaves come in a fresh, shiny and succulent manner attracting the eye of the passers-by. Some of the foliage comes in dark green color while the some come in pale green color. You will also notice reddish green foliage in some species of peperomia plant. Some of the leaves are erect while some will trail along the walls, or on the open ground. They come in oblong to round shape.

Sometimes gardeners notice the leaves dropping for a long time and they worry. This can be because the plant has been over watered, some root has rot away or that the plant has been growing in the same pot for many years. During such a time, it is good that you stop watering and check if the condition has improved. If this does not work, repot your plant. Add some water soluble fertilizer, this may work too.

Flower : Bloom in a peperomia is not its major attraction. This bloom come in yellow or brown color. The bloom in this plant comes in a very tiny shape. It is also good to know that this tiny bloom gives out no scent. Growth and care : Growing and taking care of peperomia is simple. It will not take you much effort when looking after this plant. All you need to keep in mind are the major needs of this plant such as light, temperature, soil type, water and fertilizing method.

Light : Light is a must when it comes to plantation. Peperomia prefers growing in a well lighted environment but make sure you do not expose the plant to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will more or less disturb this plants peaceful growth. At times, you will notice the leaves of peperomia turning dull and weak particularly because the plant is expose to a lot of light. Thus, make sure that you let this plant grow in partly shady and well lighted location.

This plant will do good if you let this plant grow in a summer temperature up to 78 F and winter temperature not below 50 F. In other words, this plant can thrive best in temperature between 14C to 24C.

Soil : Peperomia prefers growing in normal soil—not too sandy not over loamy. Just the right kind of soil should do—compost rich soil is best.

Repotting : if you are thinking of repotting this plant, it is considered okay but not necessary. This plant has slow growing ability. Thus, it should do good growing in the same pot for some years. You can definitely repot this plant if the plant is over growing or has turned into a matured plant needing a new pot.

Water : Altough water is necessary for this plant, you are not encouraged to over water. If you are someone that often forgets to water plants, it will be good to choose this plant as this plant does not need much watering. It is enough to water this plant once in a ten days time. It should be good if you stay aware of the outside temperature and accordingly water this plant.

Very often, it has been noticed that over watering leads to problem in the leaves leading to root rot. at times, you will notice some discoloration in the bloom and even in the leaves. This is the result of over watering. Thus, stay aware. In order to avoid root rot, you can check the top soil and if it is dry, then water else let the plant grow on its own, no disturbance.

Fertilizer : Fertilizer is necessary for a plants healthy growth. It will serve good if you provide water soluble fertilizer especially during its active growing months i.e. late spring and summer. Adding fertilizer once in a month time is enough. Pruning : You will want to prune your peperomia whenever the plant is growing out of shape and develops unnecessary growth of old and faded leaves.

Propagation : Propagation in a peperomia plant is easy. It is good to take a stem cutting of this plant and let it root out in a water or soil. If you are letting this plant root out in a soil, make sure you choose a well drained soil where the plant can receive maximum air supply.

Seeding : Seeding method of propagation is common in a peperomia. It is simple to propagate this way but it will take you some time. You will have to be patient. When you apply the seeding method of propagation, you can be pretty sure that you will have a good yield.

Cutting : The leaf cutting method of propagating a peperomia plant is very common. And the best time to do this is in the spring months. In this method you will cut a number of leaves along with stems attached and let these cuttings grow in one singel pot. Once the plant is left to grow in a pot, you will cover this plant using a plastic bag with holes and during some part of the day, you will remove the plastic in order to let fresh air in and at the same time preventing plant rot.

Once the plant has started to grow well or has started to root out in good shape, you will want to repot the plant in a new pot where the plant can grow in a spaceous environment.

Pests and problems : The peperomia plant is rarely attacked by insects or diseases. Prevention is always better than cure. Thus, you will want to use some neem oil plant insecticide, insecticidal soap in order to protect this plant from mites, bugs, bacterial attacks etc. The other times when you see this plant growing out of shape, turning dull or appears weak, it is because of lack of care and exposure to excess light or even lack of water for a long time.

Uses: People usually prefers to have peperomia at home particularly because this plant serves as a decorative indoor plant. If you want, this plant will look wonderful when you choose to hang it. It will flow downward beautifying the home atmosphere. The other common use of this plant is that it serves as a very good air purifier. Once you plant this plant, you will get to enjoy the beauty of this plant almost every day and indeed for many years of greenary around your home environment. It serves as a perfect home ornament.