Kaffir lime tree
The lime leaves referred to here have no relationship to the linden or lime tree of Europe {Tilia curopaca). There ...
The lime leaves referred to here have no relationship to the linden or lime tree of Europe {Tilia curopaca). There ...
Chicory is one of the taller herbs. The lower leaves are broad and long like spinach leaves, while the higher ...
This plant was long grown as a source of inferior jute, but the younger stalks are also harvested for the ...
Caraway plants grow to 60 cm (2 feet) high, their foliage is delicate, finely-cut and frond-like and their white, umbrella-like ...
The herb box is so classified because the woody parts, leaves, and roots have been used in different ways for ...
Mustard plants are upright with branching stalks bearing smooth, bright green, pointed leaves with notched edges. The small yellow flowers, ...
This herb has thick, soft stems and big leaves, both of which are enclosed in fine coarse hairs. The leaves ...
Sweet woodruff has dark green leaf whorls shaped like pointed stars; their stems are attached to a creeping root system ...
Mugwort, southernwood, and wormwood are all artemisias, with very bitter, inedible leaves, unlike another member of this family, French tarragon ...
French tarragon, with its exclusive, tart taste and spicy fragrance, is one of the most desirable cooking herbs. Leaves are ...
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